AFRICAN Hardwoods

– FAS (Free of sap wood and defects)
– Commons (no. 1 – 3)
– KD (kiln dried)
– AD (Air dried)
Thicknesses: from 25mm to 100mm
Width: 150mm and wider
Length: 210cm and longer

1- Dahoma
( piptadenia africana )
Yellowish brown streaky heartwood. Sapwood pale
A very useful outdoor timber.
A cheaper Alternative to Iroko.
Weight: 700kg/m3 at 12-15%MC.
Strength: 14-19000 N/mm2.

2- Iroko
( Milicia excelsa )
Olive yellowish brown heartwood. sapwood pale.
One of the Africa’s most respected species
Weight: 650kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 11-14000 N/mm2

( Entandrophragma candollei)
Dark Mahogany red-brown heartwood. sapwood pale.
Of the same group as sapele, but harder
Weight: 650kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 11-14000 N/mm2

4- Sapele
(Entandrophragma cylindricum)
Heartwood pinkish red of mahogany color.
Very popular and well known in the wood market.
Weight: 650kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 11-14000 N/mm2