Beech Wood

Origin: Romania, Croatia and Germany
– unsteamed unedged beech wood
– steamed unedged beech wood.
– steamed edged beech wood.
Thicknesses: 26mm to 100mm
– Short: from 100 cm – 170 cm
– Long: from 180 cm and up

Physical Properties :
Beech wood is classed as heavy, hard, strong, high in resistance to shock and highly suitable for steam bending.
• Specific Gravity: 0.64 (12% M.C.)
• Average Weight: 650- 720 kg/m3 (12% M.C.)
• Average Volumetric Shrinkage: 13.0% (Green to 6% M.C.)
• Modulus of Elasticity: 11,859 MPa
• Hardness: 5782 N
Main Uses : Furniture, doors, flooring, paneling, brush handles.